Let’s get together!
SUNDAY | 10:00AM

Current Sermon Series
“The Great Exchange: Beauty For Ashes” is a sermon series exploring how Jesus meets you in your struggles, offering restoration, hope, and freedom. Life’s burdens can leave you feeling like you’re standing in the ashes of broken dreams and unfulfilled hopes. But Isaiah 61:1-3 reveals a powerful promise… God will transform ashes into beauty, mourning into joy, and despair into praise. This is your invitation to trust God’s transformative power and believe that even in the hardest places, He is preparing something beautiful for His glory.

Pizza & Dodgeball
TUE | 6:15-7:15PM
5th-8th Graders

The next step for you, if you believe in Jesus for salvation, and are surrendering to His Lordship, is baptism.
I appeal to you therefore, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
– Romans 12:1 (ESV)

We believe God makes it clear we’re not meant to do life alone. We need “our people”… friends you can connect with through life’s joyous highs and difficult lows.
Connect Groups meet every week to gather around a table and share our time, our stories, our thoughts, and our prayers.
Email Josh (below) to learn more and sign up.